Patriotic Hats


God bless America from sea to shining sea, to one of the patriotic hats from Medals of America on your head. Americans are proud to be citizens of the greatest country in the world and displaying it through clothing is a time-honored tradition. You don't want to wear a full flag jumpsuit unless it's the 4th though, so instead display reserved patriotism with your favorites from the list of patriotic hats. You'll find multiple versions of hats with an American flag on the front, ranging from the gray mesh back cap with a full-color flag to the off-color versions such as the olive drab green with a matching drab and black flag. When a flag isn't enough, you can throw an eagle on it by choosing the Eagle on Flag Hat. If you want to make sure that they know you love your country, the Proud American Cap will declare it loud and proud in bold text over an American flag. You can also pay tribute to the three pillars of real American culture: beer, bacon, and bullets. No matter which one of the patriotic hats you choose, those around you will know that you are an unabashed, unafraid, and unrepentant American who will stand with your hand on your heart for the anthem and kneel for those who have fallen to defend freedom.

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