Survival Kits


Every survivalist, military or not, understands the importance of a well-appointed survival kit. You need to be able to build shelter, defend yourself, stay warm, treat minor and sometimes major injuries, orient yourself and, of course, feed yourself. A good survival kit should have all of the tools you need to do those things. You'll use your skills to do the rest. Here at Medals of America, we have the tools you need to survive in the wild. Just make sure you know how to use them. Among the survival kits at Medals of America is a grenade-shaped paracord kit packed with items like fire starters, a compass, flashlight, fishing line and even water purification tablets. It attaches to your belt or gear via a handy key ring. Medals of America even carries a more advanced survival kit that comes in a slingback. It's packed with 3 days worth of survival supplies, including food, matches and a blanket. It's a perfect disaster bag. Get a few survival kits for the family in order to be ready for anything. Medals of America even carries individual items you need for your survival kit, such as our survival knife. This durable tool comes packed in its own holder and includes a sharpening stone, so you're never caught with a dull knife. It's the perfect addition to your survival kit, though you're sure to find many uses for it every day. Browse our collection today to find other products you'd love to have at your disposal when the going gets tough.

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