Presidential Coins


Whether you have served in the Armed Forces or not, the President of the United States has been a presence in your life. The commander in chief, the human embodiment of the United States, the symbol of a patriot. Commemorate your favorite President or the commander in chief you served under with a challenge coin from our new Presidential Coin collection.Perhaps you were in the military when the tragedy of September 11, 2001occured. If so, your commander in chief was George W. Bush, and you’ll find a presidential coin that commemorates him and the conflict that has now become the Global War on Terror. For our Vietnam veterans that want to remember the commander in chief they served under, a Lyndon B. Johnson presidential coin will do just the trick.Maybe you just want to remember the veteran Presidents you admire. If so, you might be interested in the Teddy Roosevelt coin. The image of Roosevelt recalls battles on horseback, swords drawn as well as Roosevelt’s commitment to honor and integrity. Other presidents are represented on these high-quality coins, including Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, and Donald Trump. They’re perfect for display in a shadow box, which you’ll also find at Medals of America. Find the presidents you admire most and order their coins today.

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