Military Medical Dog Tags For Everyday

Dog tags can be a great identifier to medical personnel and first responders in an emergency. It can also greatly serve as a notation for allergies and medications for seniors, kids and adults. Some of the best times to have such a tag would be while out walking or jogging, at the gym, at the beach or wherever you are going to be without your wallet or purse. Runners and even cyclests often encounter this issue because they rarely carry anything and they are at greater risk of being hit by vehicles.

Something to also think about is allergy and medication lists on the tag or at least NKDA (No Known Drug Allergies). Listing your blood type is also a time saving identifier.  Got kids or grandkids going off to school? Think about tagging their backpack if it gets lost. They might even think it’s cool. Remember, this is the information age, but you can’t always know when you will be able to communicate or call for help.

Put a reliable phone number on the tag and no, I don’t mean your cell phone. All I’m saying is that having the right information attached to you could save your life, time or energy. A first responder or passerby brave enough to see if your are okay isn’t going to know your phone’s password to go digging for your wife’s number, which you never even programmed into the contacts anyway.