Hat Accessories


It is inherently American to want to make something better, and choosing the right hat accessories is no different. First, there are the numerous medal hat pins that affix to your hat in a moment, so you can gather a collection matching your medals and swap them between hats much more easily than it would be to sew patches onto each one. The medals cover the majority of those awarded by the armed services as well as other designs celebrating various units, conflicts, and methods of service. The operator clips are another fast and simple hat accessory with a wide variety of designs, like the POW-MIA Clip to honor lost comrades or the Combat Medical Batch Clip for those who braved incoming fire to keep their fellow soldiers alive. They slip onto the brim of your hat and stay there until you're ready to take them off. Check out the multitude of patches like the U.S. Navy hat patch or the Disabled U.S. Marine Veteran patch to completely transform a hat with a few stitches. You can find hundreds of different hat accessories for sale in the Medals of America store, so start browsing now to find the ones that will take your favorite hats from great to perfect. Don't forget to pick up a few extra pins and clips to pass out as gifts for your kids and grandkids.

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