Veteran Flag Cases

Our flag cases are created, handled, and shipped with care and respect and customized to your likings. Let us, the professionals handle your personally engraved flag case. We understand it is a very important and deeply personal process to go through and we have decades of experience under our belts. Our flag cases have different sizes to fit different burial flags, a traditional 5’ x 9’ flag or a 3’ x 9’ flag. The flag cases you love are created with durable plexiglass that is laser engraved however you want. You can add text to the flag cases to perfectly honor your loved one exactly how you want with nicknames, when and where they served, and with what division they were in. We have traditional triangle cases and combo cases that display the flag above and have a miniature shadow box below to get more out of your flag case, you can add medals, ribbons, dog tags, anything you want underneath the flag. Honor your loved one’s service with a professionally crafted and detailed flag case.